Best Foods To Eat When Sick

When you’re feeling under the weather, it’s important to nourish your body with nutrient-dense foods. Eating healthy can help boost your immune system and provide additional energy needed for healing. As a registered dietitian, I’m here to share my top picks of the best foods to eat when sick.

By taking into account these simple nutritional tips, you can start on the path toward full health and wellness! So let’s get started by exploring which types of food will do wonders for your body when feeling under the weather.

What To Consider When Eating When Sick

When you’re feeling under the weather, it’s important to consider your diet and what foods might help or hinder your recovery.

It can be difficult to know where to start when deciding which meals are best for a sick individual, but having an understanding of nutrition is essential in improving health.

When selecting food choices while ill, there are many positive factors to keep in mind such as energy-boosting properties, anti-inflammatory benefits, digestive aid, and soothing qualities.

Additionally, if someone has any known food allergies or sensitivities they must take extra care when choosing meal options that won’t irritate their condition further.

With this knowledge in hand, anyone struggling with illness can make more informed decisions on how to nourish themselves back to better health.

Nutrient-Dense Foods

Now that we have discussed what to consider when eating when sick, let’s take a look at some nutrient-dense foods that can help your body heal.

Eating healthy and nutritious food is essential for boosting your immune system and helping you recover faster from an illness.

When selecting foods to eat while sick, focus on those with plenty of vitamins and minerals, as well as healthy fats.

Good choices include lean proteins like fish and poultry; anti-inflammatory fruits such as blueberries, oranges, strawberries, cherries, and nuts; high-fiber grains like oats and quinoa; vegetables like broccoli, spinach, and kale; and healthy fats such as avocados or olive oil.

All of these foods are packed with nutrients necessary to support the body during sickness.

Additionally, consuming probiotic-rich yogurt or fermented foods aids in digestive health by promoting beneficial bacteria growth in the gut.

Incorporating these nutrient-dense ingredients into meals helps fuel the body’s natural healing process while providing the energy needed to feel better sooner.

Hydration Options

Staying hydrated is an important part of managing illness. When sick, it can be difficult to get enough fluids in your diet.

There are many options for hydrating that may help you feel better when ill. Here are a few suggestions:

  1. Hydration drinks: Try drinking flavored or unflavored electrolyte drinks throughout the day to stay hydrated and replace lost minerals from sweating and diarrhea.
  2. Herbal teas: Tea containing ginger, chamomile, or peppermint can provide some relief from nausea and sore throats while also helping with hydration.
  3. Sports drinks: If you’ve been exercising or have otherwise sweated heavily due to illness, sports drinks are helpful for replacing electrolytes along with providing some additional sugar for energy if needed.
  4. Hot soups: A bowl of hot soup can be soothing on a sore throat as well as adding much-needed liquids into your body without having to drink large amounts at once which could make nausea worse.

These items all work together to rehydrate your body while giving comfort during times of sickness.

Keeping up with these types of foods and beverages will help ensure proper hydration while fighting off any type of ailment!

Probiotics And Prebiotics

The transition from hydration options to probiotics and prebiotics is seamless.

Probiotics and prebiotics are essential for optimal health, especially when we’re sick!

When it comes to boosting immunity and fighting off illness, these two nutrients reign supreme.

Probiotic-Rich FoodsPrebiotic-Rich Foods

Eating probiotic-rich foods like yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut, kimchi, and miso can help reduce inflammation in the gut–a major factor contributing to a weakened immune system.

Prebiotic-rich foods such as garlic, onions, asparagus, bananas, and artichokes are also beneficial for gut health by providing fuel for probiotics (the “good” bacteria) that live within our digestive tract.

If you don’t feel comfortable eating fermented or cultured food items while feeling under the weather then consider taking a high-quality probiotic supplement with at least 10 billion CFUs per capsule along with an organic prebiotic supplement containing chicory root extract or FOS (Fructooligosaccharides).

These supplements will give your body much-needed support during times of sickness.

In addition to maintaining proper hydration levels and consuming nutrient-dense whole foods like fruits and vegetables; make sure you get plenty of restful sleep each night so your body has time to heal itself naturally.

A healthy balance of probiotic-rich foods along with prebiotic-rich foods combined with quality supplementation may just be what you need if you find yourself feeling under the weather this winter season!

Vitamin And Mineral Supplements

When it comes to treating illness, vitamins and minerals are essential nutrients that can help an individual feel better sooner.

Vitamin supplements may provide a much-needed boost in energy or immunity-building benefits, while mineral supplements can aid with hydration and electrolyte balance.

While taking dietary supplements has its perks, there are also some potential side effects to consider before beginning any supplement regimen.

The best way to determine the right type of vitamin and mineral supplementation for you is by consulting your doctor or registered dietitian.

They will understand your medical history and health goals better than anyone else, so they’ll be able to recommend the most effective form of supplementation as well as what dosage would be safest for you.

It’s important to make sure that you aren’t combining too many different types of supplements at once either, as this could cause adverse reactions or even interfere with other medications you’re already taking.

By practicing caution when selecting and using dietary supplements, one should be able to reap the full benefit without the risk of harm.

Supplementation should always be done under the guidance of an experienced healthcare professional who understands your particular case in order to ensure beneficial results rather than negative consequences from improper use.

Hot Beverages

Hot beverages are a godsend when you’re feeling under the weather.

They can bring warmth and comfort to any situation, making them an absolute must-have for anyone who’s not feeling their best.

First off, let me tell you that there is no one-size-fits-all drink for all illnesses.

That being said, here are some of my top picks for hot beverage remedies:

  • Ginger tea – This herbal remedy is known to help calm nausea and reduce inflammation in the body. Plus, it tastes delicious!
  • Hot cocoa – Rich and creamy hot chocolate is sure to make anyone feel better almost immediately! It’s also packed with antioxidants that can boost your immunity while calming inflammation.
  • Chamomile tea – Chamomile has natural anti-inflammatory properties that make it perfect for soothing sore throats or upset stomachs. Plus, its mild flowery taste will be pleasant even if you don’t have much of an appetite right now.
  • Apple cider – Not only does apple cider contain tons of immune-boosting vitamins, but it’s also loaded with probiotics which can aid digestion and provide relief from many gastrointestinal ailments.
  • Oolong tea – With its unique flavor profile and slightly sweet aftertaste, oolong tea is great for restoring energy levels during times of illness without overstimulating the body.

The key takeaway here is that there are countless benefits associated with these hot drinks so don’t hesitate to give them a try next time you’re feeling sick! Your body will thank you later!

Soups And Stews

Soups and stews are some of the best comfort foods to eat when sick. Both soups and stews can be made ahead of time, stored in the refrigerator or freezer for later use, and reheated easily in minutes.

Homemade versions offer a great way to get nutrient-rich ingredients into your diet while still enjoying delicious flavors.

Soup RecipesStew RecipesComfort Food
Chicken NoodleBeef & BarleyRamen Noodles
Potato LeekChiliGrilled Cheese Sandwich
TomatoLambMacaroni & Cheese
Broccoli CheddarPorkBaked Potatoes

Table 1: Examples of soup recipes, stew recipes, and comfort food that one may enjoy when feeling under the weather.

When making homemade soups or stews choose simple ingredients like vegetables (onions, potatoes, carrots), proteins such as beans and lentils, and grains such as barley or quinoa for added nutrition benefits.

Flavoring with herbs and spices is also recommended to enhance flavor without adding extra calories.

Remember to watch portion sizes too – if you’re not feeling well it might be tempting to have seconds!

Eating smaller portions more frequently throughout the day prevents overloading on large meals which can worsen nausea symptoms further.

Preparing these comforting dishes yourself allows you to control what goes into them so you know exactly what you’re eating – an important part of staying healthy overall!

Bland Foods

When a person is feeling under the weather, bland foods can be beneficial in helping to settle an upset stomach.

Bland foods are usually easier for your body to digest than other types of food and provide essential nutrition that may help you feel better more quickly.

Commonly recommended examples of bland foods include rice, crackers, applesauce, pork broth, boiled potatoes, and other similar items.

Additionally, it is important to ensure that liquids are being taken in as well when dealing with sickness.

Drinks such as water or light broth should be consumed often throughout the day in order to stay hydrated and prevent dehydration from occurring.

Additionally, many hot drinks like herbal teas or warm lemon water can help soothe an irritated throat and calm symptoms related to congestion.

In summary, following a diet comprised mostly of bland foods helps those who are sick recover faster.

Furthermore, making sure adequate liquids are also being consumed will further aid in symptom relief while providing necessary nutrients during this time period.

Infusions And Teas

If you’re feeling run down and fighting off an illness, why not reach for a cup of something that can soothe your throat and help knock out the bug?

Believe it or not, there are foods that can be considered medicinal fares! Infusions and teas have been used as remedies across centuries to provide healing properties.

Here is a list of some beneficial infusions and teas:

  • Chamomile tea: A calming herbal infusion used to aid in relaxation, indigestion relief, and reducing stress levels.
  • Ginger Tea: Widely known to help settle nausea or upset stomachs with its anti-inflammatory effects. It also helps reduce pain associated with sore throats when consumed hot.
  • Elderberry Syrup: This immunity-boosting syrup has powerful antioxidant properties which help protect against illnesses like colds or flu while providing natural sweetness to any beverage.

These three items are just examples of how easy it is to incorporate healthful drinks into your daily routine without having to take medicine.

Utilizing these beverages could bring about much-needed relief from common ailments such as colds, headaches, inflammations, and more.

Whether using them solely as preventative measures or part of recovery plans, infusions, and teas offer a variety of potential benefits due to their many healing properties.

Foods To Avoid When Sick

Now that we have discussed the best infusions and teas to soothe a sore throat, let us move on to discussing what types of foods should be avoided when you are feeling under the weather.

Eating non-nutritive foods such as fried or sugary snacks can make symptoms worse due to their high fat and sugar content while eating too much salt can lead to dehydration.

Foods To AvoidReason
Fried FoodsHigh in Fat Content
Sugary FoodsElevates Blood Sugar Levels
Salty FoodsLinked with Dehydration & Heart Disease Risk Factors

It is important to limit these trigger foods during illness and focus instead on nutrient-dense sources like fresh fruits and vegetables, lean proteins, whole grains, legumes, nuts/seeds, and low-fat dairy products.

These healthy options provide your body with the nourishment it needs for recovery along with essential vitamins and minerals.

Additionally, drinking plenty of water throughout the day will help flush out toxins from your system.

To maintain optimal health during sickness it is critical to steer away from processed junk food items that lack nutritional value.

Instead, opt for nutritious alternatives that promote healing without further complicating existing symptoms.


When it comes to eating when sick, there are a few key points to consider.

As a registered dietitian or nutritionist, I recommend that my clients focus on nutrient-dense foods such as soups and stews, bland foods like toast and crackers, probiotics and prebiotics, vitamin and mineral supplements if needed, hydration options such as infusions and teas, but steer clear of processed and sugary food items.

Ultimately the goal is to nourish your body with healthy ingredients while also providing comfort during times of illness.

In conclusion, understanding how best to feed your body when ill can help speed up the healing process.

Eating nutritious meals can provide both energy and relief from unpleasant symptoms associated with illnesses.

Use this article as a reference guide so that you feel empowered in making healthier choices next time you experience sickness – because everyone deserves the chance to recover quickly!

By Imran

Imran loves talking about finance, sports, and hanging out with his family. You can check more of his online content here at iquantifi. Thanks for reading!

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