Money Saving Tips For Students

Saving money as a student can be tricky. With tuition, rent, and other expenses to worry about, it’s hard to find the time or energy to think of ways to save. But don’t despair!

This article presents some simple yet effective tips that will help you make the most out of your limited budget.

Make A Budget

According to the College Board, college students in the United States borrow thousands of dollars each year.

For many individuals, this can be a stressful and challenging situation -one that requires careful budgeting and awareness of money-saving tips.

One great way for college students to save money is to make a monthly budget.

This will allow you to track how much money you’re spending every month so that you don’t find yourself with too little at the end of your paycheck cycle.

You should also look into student discounts whenever possible, as these can help shave off some expenses here and there throughout the semester.

To aid with budgeting efforts, consider downloading a budgeting app on your phone or laptop; many are designed specifically for university students.

It pays to take advantage of resources available through your university library as well; whether it’s free printing services or access to research databases, utilizing these can help reduce costs associated with attending school.

And finally, if you have loans to pay back after graduation, try not to let them accumulate interest while still in school – always pay what you can when you can!

Managing your finances now will put you in a strong position later on down the line once college is over.

Track Your Spending

Tracking your spending is a great way to start saving money as a student.

Staying aware of where and how much you’re spending can help you identify areas that need more attention when it comes to budgeting.

Being mindful of the things you buy, such as coffee from shops or meals out with friends, can make all the difference in terms of extra money each month.

Using a budget app or excel spreadsheet is an excellent way to monitor your cash flow over a period of time. This will also allow you to see any discounts available for students, like reduced prices on credit cards and student loans.

Additionally, tracking your expenses helps you learn about yourself; understanding what kind of purchases give you joy vs those which don’t add value to your life.

By consistently monitoring your finances, you’ll be able to better manage them – ultimately leading to more savings!

Budgeting Apps

  • Mint: Offers a great selection of tips for new budgeters and provides unlimited access to a free credit score along with advice on how to improve it. It is also good for tracking student loans and provides a solid picture of debt.
  • Goodbudget: Is a good option for hands-on envelope budgeting. It is also recommended for learning how to budget
  • YNAB (You Need A Budget): YNAB provides tools to be proactive with money and plan ahead. It offers a 34-day free trial and can be purchased for $11.99 per month or $84 per year, both with the option to cancel at any time.
  • EveryDollar: is a good option for simple zero-based budgeting.

Differentiate “Needs” Vs “Wants”

As a student, one of the most important money-saving tips is to differentiate between ‘needs’ and ‘wants.’

This means understanding what expenses are necessary for your education and lifestyle as opposed to items that can be put on hold until you have more resources available.

To do this effectively, it’s helpful to create two lists:


-School supplies

-Meal plan

-Budgeting resources such as those offered by the University of Michigan


-Video games

-Movie nights

-Campus gym membership

-Extra cash for shopping trips

Being mindful of each list will help you make smart financial decisions throughout your college career.

It’s easy to get carried away with spending when there are so many fun activities out there but being aware that some things must take priority over others will go a long way in helping you save money.

Allocating funds responsibly for both needs AND wants can give you peace of mind knowing that all your bases are covered without overspending.

Stick To Your Budget

Sticking to a budget is the surefire way for students to save money.

A great analogy that illustrates this point is grocery shopping: when you go in with an idea of what items and amounts of money you are looking to spend, you come out satisfied knowing that your spending was within reason.

Just like groceries, if you decide how much money you can responsibly put towards bills and other expenses each month, it will be easier to stick within those boundaries and avoid spending too much on unnecessary items.

Generic items such as canned goods or frozen dinners can help cut back on costs while still providing sustenance.

When it comes to fresh produce, buying in bulk or going directly to farmer’s markets may be more cost-effective than purchasing from grocery stores.

Additionally, setting aside small amounts of money periodically throughout the year instead of one large sum at tax time can help spread out the payments and prevent hundreds of dollars from being spent all at once.

Being mindful about where your paycheck goes every month and paying bills on time ensures there is enough left over for leisure activities without breaking the bank.

By following these tips, students’ wallets will thank them now and in their future endeavors!

Look Out For Free Money

For students looking to save money, there are a plethora of options. From campus housing and the bookstore to an array of museums, there is something for everyone.

But what about when it comes to finding free money?

It turns out that with some time and effort, you can find plenty of ways to get your hands on a bit of cash without spending any!

From time to time, universities offer opportunities for students to receive discounts or even outright grants for tuition or fees at their college.

For example, the University of Michigan offers various scholarships each year which can reduce hefty prices associated with attendance.

Additionally, many campuses have programs in place that allow those living on-campus access to textbooks at no cost from the school’s bookstore.

Furthermore, if you keep an eye out you may come across other deals such as discounts on food or entertainment near your college residence halls.

By avoiding unnecessary items and taking advantage of these resources available around campus, students oftentimes manage to scrounge up a few bucks here and there while still having enough left over so they don’t need to worry too much about breaking the bank during their studies.

Be Smart About How You Pay School Fees

Smartly managing your finances can help you avoid any added charges or damage to your credit score.

First off, make sure to pay your bills on time; late payments could result in an overdraft fee that may add up.

Additionally, try signing up for a rewards program with a local bank or credit union so that you can get cash back on purchases made with their debit cards.

Another option is to look into monthly payment plans offered by many schools – these allow you to spread out costs over several months instead of having to pay all at once.

Finally, take advantage of any scholarships or grants available – doing so will reduce the amount of money you need to spend out-of-pocket for college fees.

These are just some of the tactics students can use when it comes to saving money on university fees.

Of course, there’s no one size fits all solution – everyone’s situation is different – but by taking control of your finances early on and making smart decisions about how you manage them, you’ll be able to set yourself up for success now and in the future.

Don’t Waste Your Meal Plan Dollars

Heidi, a student at Messiah University, found out the hard way that meal plans can be expensive.

She had budgeted for her cell phone plan and campus clubs but hadn’t thought about how quickly she could blow through her weekly allowance of swipes.

Soon enough, Heidi was spending money from her savings account to cover trips to the movie theater or an extra pair of shoes.

When it comes to saving money as a student, wise use of your meal plan is key.

Whether you attend Purdue University or the University of Florida, investigate what types of meals are offered and if there are discounts available on certain items in the bookstore or library café.

Make sure that you get as much value out of each swipe as possible so that you don’t waste any dollars!

Be mindful when planning meals; pack snacks if they offer them free of charge, take advantage of deals like ‘buy one get one’ offers, and avoid using more than allowed per week/semester – these tips will help you save a lot over time.

Save Money On Textbooks

Saving money on textbooks is an important part of budgeting for college students.

Even if you’re attending a school like San Jose State University or Stanford University, the cost of books can add up fast.

It’s estimated that the average college student spent $339 on course materials in the 2021-2022 academic year!

Fortunately, there are several ways to save money when purchasing textbooks.

Websites like CampusBooks and Chegg provide an excellent resource for finding affordable college books online.

It’s also worth taking advantage of stores with price-matching policies; however, do read any caveats before agreeing to match another store’s lower price!

Additionally, browse around the discount aisle for items that may be used from previous semesters but remain usable and relevant.

By following these tips, college students can make sure they keep their textbook costs down without compromising on quality!

Sell Your Textbooks

The world of textbooks can be a nightmare to navigate, especially for students struggling with money.

It’s like trying to find your way through an endless maze- one wrong turn and you’ve gone too far!

But there is hope: selling your textbooks. With the right guidance, this could be the perfect solution to saving some extra cash while still having access to books.

A few simple steps are all it takes: research what textbooks you have, compare prices from different sources, list them on a platform such as Amazon or eBay, and wait for someone to purchase them.

Additionally, schools may also offer their buyback programs which can provide even more savings.

Rather than being stuck between paying too much for new textbooks or not having enough money altogether, selling your texts gives you control over how much money you save.

You don’t need to break the bank just so that you can learn – take advantage of opportunities presented by your school (such as Additional School) and transform buying books into an investment!

Websites To Sell Textbooks:

  • Amazon – One of the largest e-retailers that allow reselling of college textbooks. You can answer questions about the book’s condition and list it for sale.
  • eBay – Allows you to sell your textbooks with more control as you can set the prices yourself.
  • BookScouter – A comparison tool for buyback prices for used textbooks that also offers best price recommendations for one simple search.
  • Top sites to sell textbooks – Other websites to consider for selling textbooks include Decluttr, BooksRun, eCampus, TextbookRush,, Uloop, CampusBooks, ValoreBooks, Sell Back Your Book, Barnes Noble, BookByte,, TextbookX, Student 2 Student, AbeBooks, and FacultyBooks.

Cook At Home

Cooking at home is a great way for students to save money. Coincidentally, it’s also an essential life skill!

Learning how to cook can help students make the most of campus amenities and budget their finances more effectively.

Plus, being able to whip up meals from scratch is much better than relying on aspirin and coffee as survival foods during stressful times.

Saving money while in college requires some creativity but it isn’t impossible.

Cooking your meals instead of eating out (or buying pre-made food) can be a great start – you can find recipes online that use minimal ingredients and are easy enough for even beginner cooks to follow.

With practice and patience, students can learn new cooking skills and create delicious dishes right in the comfort of their own homes.

Buy In Bulk


Comes out to just over $100 per month for those who are curious 🙂 #fyp #xyzbca #storytime #savemoney #bulkbuying (day 519 eating veggies & telling tales until my YouTube channel blows up)

♬ original sound – Zack

From aspirin to coffee, there are plenty of items worth stocking up on when looking for ways to save money while at university.

First, it pays to look out for discounts and special offers on large purchases.

This could include anything from a buy-one-get-one sale or a multi-pack discount at the grocery store.

Additionally, some retailers may also offer additional incentives such as free shipping if you hit a certain spending threshold.

With these deals in mind, it makes sense to stock up whenever possible!

It’s also important to consider how much you need when buying in bulk.

If an item only has a short shelf life then it might not make sense to buy more than what is required – otherwise, you risk losing money instead of saving it.

When planning, think about exactly what will be used over the next few months so that nothing goes wasted!

Plan Your Meals

It’s often said that planning your meals can be one of the best money-saving tips for students.

But does this hold? Let’s take a look at the evidence.

Planning when it comes to eating, especially during college years, is an excellent way to minimize food costs and ensure you eat nutritious foods.

By taking into account what ingredients you already have in stock, making a grocery list tailored to upcoming meals, and shopping accordingly, you avoid overspending on items you don’t need or won’t use right away.

Additionally, preparing your meals rather than ordering out every time saves both money and effort.

Taking advantage of discounts and coupons are additional ways to stretch your limited budget further while still enjoying delicious dishes.

Eating smart is beneficial not just financially but also for health reasons; there’s no better approach than cooking with fresh ingredients yourself!

So why wait any longer? Start meal planning today so you can start reaping the rewards of healthy living without breaking the bank.

Make Your Own Coffee

Many students feel that coffee is an essential part of their daily routine, but the costs can quickly add up.

So could making your own coffee become a money-saving tip for students?

Let’s explore this theory and find out how it might work in practice.

Making your own cup of joe before leaving the house each morning is much more cost-effective than going to a café every day.

All you need are some ground beans, milk or creamer, hot water, and a travel mug – all of which can be purchased relatively cheaply at any grocery store.

Plus, if you’re looking for convenience and ease of use then there are plenty of compact brewing devices available online too.

It’s clear that when done right, making your own coffee instead of buying it from cafes can save you lots of money over time.

And with so many affordable options to choose from these days, it couldn’t be easier!

Use Coupons

It’s often assumed that coupons are only for those who want to save big, but the truth is that even small savings can add up over time. As a student, using coupons could be an effective way of saving money on everyday items like food or household supplies.

Coupons come in many forms and can be found through various sources including online websites, grocery stores, magazines, newspapers, and direct mailers.

It may take some time to research which coupons are available and how they can be used best, however, it will eventually pay off when you start seeing your shopping bill decrease.

To get the most out of coupon usage it’s important to compare prices between stores before making any purchases; this could help you find the lowest price possible while also taking advantage of any additional deals via coupons.

Additionally, look into discounts offered by retailers as these could offer substantial savings with minimal effort required from you!

Look For Free Entertainment

We’ve all heard the old adage “you get what you pay for” – but not anymore! With some clever thinking, there are plenty of ways to find free entertainment as a student.

Instead of shelling out your hard-earned cash, why not try these five options?

• Check out community theater groups or local art galleries who offer free shows or events

• Attend lectures at the library or museum – they’re often free of charge

• Take advantage of movie nights hosted by campus organizations – you’ll get to watch movies with friends without breaking the bank

• Look into volunteer opportunities such as helping out in parks or animal shelters – its rewarding work that doesn’t cost anything

• Go hiking or biking around town – getting outdoors will help clear your head while also keeping your wallet full

Explore creativity when looking for ways to entertain yourself on a budget.

There are so many possibilities available if you put in just a bit of effort. Of course, using coupons and other discounts always helps too!


The key to successful money management is planning and budgeting. By following the tips above, students can make sure they’re not spending too much of their income on non-essential items.

Keeping track of your spending, setting a realistic budget, and distinguishing between needs and wants are all essential tools for staying financially secure.

By Imran

Imran loves talking about finance, sports, and hanging out with his family. You can check more of his online content here at iquantifi. Thanks for reading!